“Glee Generation – O Musical” opens in Rio de Janeiro

The show portrays the story of high school seniors who are about to go through the most challenging phase of their lives

Foto: Escola de Arte Faz Assim (RJ)

On January 20th, 23rd, and 30th, Teatro Clara Nunes in Rio de Janeiro presents “Glee Generation – O Musical.” The show tells the story of high school seniors who are about to go through the most challenging phase of their lives as they work for their chance to win the world’s most prestigious music contest in New York and share their hopes and dreams of the new teacher at the Coral Club.

Generation Glee portrays a year full of happiness and disappointment love with songs by Lady Gaga, One Direction, Jessie J., Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and Madonna and loss in the lives of young students.

The Musical by British artist Martin Callaghan, actor, and director in West End London, success in Europe, arrives in Brazil with the realization of Escola de Artes Faz Assim. As in Europe, the show promises to be another box office success.


It is noteworthy that the presentation on January 30th will feature the special participation of actor, voice actor, and singer Raphael Rossato.

Dates: 20, 23 and 01/30
Time: at 20h
Location: Clara Nunes Theater at Shopping da Gávea
Address: R. Marquês de São Vicente, 52 – Gávea, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Free classification
Duration: 80min

Text and direction: Martin Callaghan
Adaptation: Fred Trotta
Resident Director: Fred Trotta
Resident Music Director: Kika Tristão
Movement direction: Andressa Tristao
Cast Preparation: Karlla Guimarães
Realization: Escola de Artes Faz Assim

Ticket values:
Integer – BR$ 80.00
Half – BR$ 40.00



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